Roland van Dierendonck is an artist and PhD candidate at the Lab4Living, Sheffield Hallam University, using haptics (touch) and other media to connect with nature and biological materials across temporal and spatial scales. Roland has had a long interest in bio-digital hybrid collaborations, including (slow) biotic game research, TeleAgriCulture and, currently, Chronomicroscopy.
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Roland is an active member of the global DIYBio community, democratizing biotechnology through affordable tools, shared laboratory spaces and interdisciplinary collaborations. He is a fellow of the Global Community Biosummit, organized annually at the MIT Medialab in Boston. He led the BioHack Academy at Waag, Amsterdam, a ten-week course where participants design, build and use their own lab and follow their individual fascinations in creative biotechnology projects. But within community biology he is perhaps most known for making one minute sticker drawings of Biosummit participants. Currently he is a paying member of Bitraf, the makerspace in the heart of Oslo.